

Energy and the Environment (ES115) Winter Quarter

This course covers the fundamentals of energy science including the extraction, generation, distribution, and consumption of energy in the electricity, transportation, and other sectors. We study energy economics and the policies that govern the energy sector and get an understanding of the environmental impacts as well as energy access and justice issues through case studies from both the US and international regions.

Renewable Energy Systems (ES105) Spring Quarter

This course provides an introduction to renewable energy generation and energy storage technologies, their economics, their associated environmental and social issues, and policies and regulations that are key to the adoption and use of renewable energy systems.

Electricity Systems and Markets (To be introduced in Spring 2022)

This course will cover the fundamentals of the electricity grid including both centralized and distributed generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. We will especially focus on the transition to deeply decarbonized electricity systems that will host significant capacities of zero- or low-carbon generation and storage technologies. We will also study electricity market fundamentals and how markets can enable this transition.

Other energy-related courses offered at UCSB

Energy, Technology and the Environment - Bren School

Energy Demand Analysis - Bren School

Energy and Resource Productivity - Bren School

Life Cycle Assessment - Bren School

Energy and Environmental Policy - Department of Political Science

The Science and Engineering of Energy Conversion - Department of Chemical Engineering


Prospective Students

I welcome enquiries from potential postdoc and graduate student applicants. Please go through the research areas and projects pages to understand the research focus of this lab.

Undergraduate students who are interested in participating in research, please attend one of the weekly CETlab meetings or sign up for office hours with Prof Deshmukh.

If you are already at UCSB, feel free to drop in at our weekly meetings. 

PhD program

For PhD applicants interested to work with CETlab, you can apply to one of two PhD programs — the Bren School of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management and the Electrical and Computer Engineering. The PhD program at the Bren school is interdisciplinary whereas the one at the ECE department is more disciplinary.