Energy Transformation Initiative
image credit: Matt Perko, UCSB
MapRE Initiative

Electricity Modeling Initiative (GridPath)
GridPath is a versatile power-system planning platform capable of a range of planning approaches including production-cost, capacity-expansion, asset-valuation, and reliability modeling. This free and open-source modeling platform was developed and continues to be developed in collaboration with Blue Marble Analytics, the lead developer of GridPath. We have and continue to develop electricity system models using GridPath for various regions in the world, including California, the larger US, India, Myanmar, South Africa, and the Southern African Power Pool.
Research questions include: What are the cost optimal generation, storage, and transmission investments to meet future electricity demand? How these investments change under various policies including renewable energy targets and carbon caps, with constraints on transmission capacities and electricity market integration, with different cost trajectories for renewable and storage technologies, and with projected climate change impacts on temperature and precipitation? What would be the impacts on costs to consumers and how much greenhouse gas emissions would result from different scenarios?