PhD Student
MS, Environmental Science, Peking University, Beijing, China
BS, Environmental Science; BS, Economics, Peking University, Beijing, China
Haozhe graduated from Peking University with a Bachelor degree of Environmental Science and
a double degree of Economics in 2016. In 2019, Haozhe completed his Master degree of Environmental
Science at Peking University.
Haozhe focused on the interdisciplinary research of energy and climate policies. He is interested
in exploring an equitable pathway across countries and generations to achieve the net-zero energy system.
Driven by this motivation, his research first focuses on revealing the landscape of the cost-benefit profile
in climate change mitigation at the country level. On a spatial scale, he calculated stranded asset value of
fossil fuel reserves under a 2 °C climate target. On a temporal scale, he quantified economic disparity
between young and old generations in climate change mitigation.
Whether the imbalanced geographical distribution of renewable resources results in an unequal
access to renewable energy across countries also raise his concern. To address the spatial imbalance for
renewable energy, he examined whether building mega regional power pools could balance electricity
supply and demand with 10% of the available renewable resources.
Whether costs and benefits of climate change mitigation are equitably distributed within a
country has also been one of his concerns. Using China as an example, he explored whether the
decarbonization of the electricity system could achieve an equitable outcome in health and labor across